The Linguistics Department maintains a collection of books, journals, and working papers/conference proceedings, which is kept in three different places: the department lounge (journals and some conference proceedings), SS569 (other conference proceedings), and SS4069 (books). New books are usually acquired through donations from a faculty member or purchases by the LGCU.

Books can be signed out by current department members (e.g., graduate students, faculty members, or post-doctoral researchers). To see what books are in the department collection, check on the online library catalogue.

The catalogue and other materials related to the library are maintained by the LGCU Department Space Committee; contact the chair, Liam Donohue, for more information, or for help with using the library.

You can sign out books from the catalogue by putting down your name in the ‘Who has it?’ column of the editable version of the spreadsheet. For access to this spreadsheet, contact the Department Space Committee (chair: Liam Donohue).