This page lists the members and duties of each LGCU committee. LGCU members within the funded cohort are expected to serve on at least one committee every year. An asterisk (*) next to an individual’s name indicates that they are the designated contactperson for the committee (not applicable for some committees/positions; in that case, feel free to contact whoever you are most comfortable with).
- Executive
- CUPE 3902, Unit 1 Stewards
- Social committee
- Department space committee
- Student representative positions
- Specialist committees
Claudia Raihert, (vacant)
Represent the LGCU to the department; attend department meetings; organize LGCU meetings; various other duties.
Manages the LGCU’s finances.
Takes minutes at meetings and provides related support.
GSU Representatives
Colin Keith-Hill, Zahur Ashrafuzzaman
Attend monthly GSU council meetings.
CUPE 3902, Unit 1 Stewards
St. George:
Assist members with issues in the workplace; answer questions about CUPE 3902; represent the department in CUPE 3902; attend Steward Council meetings. Not an actual committee of the LGCU; elected by members of CUPE 3902, Unit 1 with 50 hours or more of work in the relevant department.
Social committee
- Chair: Jack Mahlmann
- Event Coordinators: Khushi Patil
- Members: Martin Renard, Nick Haggarty, Colin Keith-Hill, Laura Escobar, Claudia Raihert
Develops and runs social events and programs for the LGCU, including the Welcome Workshop, the Buddy program, and various ad-hoc social gatherings.
Department space committee
- Chair: Lucy Meanwell
- Members: Alba Jorquera Jiménez de Aberásturi, Yanfei Lu, Hannah Rognan, Daniel Kahng, Naim Lim
Maintains various aspects of department space, including the grad student computers, the departmental library, the department plants, the fridges and small appliances, the grad space couches, and work orders.
Student representative positions
SIG student reps
- Justin Leung (fall)
- Claudia Raihert (winter)
Curriculum student reps
Attend departmental curriculum committee meetings; convey information to graduate students.
Appeals student rep
Participate in the department’s Academic Appeals Committee, representing the student perspective in the SGS Appeals Process.
Specialist committees
TWPL committee
- Chairs: Greg Antono, Justin Leung, Claudia Raihert
- Reviewers: Calvin Quick, Ryan MacDonald, Will Williams, Nadia Takhtaganova, Martin Renard, Lucy Meanwell, Zahur Ashrafuzzaman, Laura Griffin, Christy Moser, Marcell Maitinsky
Oversees and reviews articles for the departmental journal, Toronto Working Papers in Linguistics.
Grant repository committee
Collects and distributes successful grant proposals that have been made available by current and former LGCU members.
TA evaluations coordinator
Receives and holds onto TA evaluations; distributes these to TAs after they have finished all grading for courses.
Space assignment committee
Handle grad space desk assignments and concerns about space usage.
Tutoring coordinator
Checks email for tutoring requests; announces available positions to the tutoring list.
LGCU Website Committee
*Juhyung Cho, Zahur Ashrafuzzaman, Xinyu Liao, Tim Gadanidis
Develop and maintain the LGCU website.
Student confidential support
Point of contact for students in the department for any concerns they may be having (e.g., Advisor-Student conflict, graduate program concerns/anxiety, etc.).
TA Supervision Excellence Award (TASEA) committee
*Jack Mahlmann, Calvin Quick, Onyi Ezeaumzie, Laleh Asadi, Laura Escobar
Create and maintain the LGCU program to recognize excellence in supervision of TAs.